04 May, 2018

4 Things to do before Gutting a Home

Tips & Advice
Too many time we hear the word gut renovation but we still don’t know the meaning it implies. Gut Renovation is the process of stripping out all the interior finishes, stairway, windows, roof membranes, plumbing, and heating etc. out of the home or building so that the gutting or more commonly known as renovation/face-lifting/remodeling could take place. Home Gutting could be partial or complete for instance there may be windows, chimneys, exhaust pipes and staircases left in place (Partial Gutting) depending on the house condition and owner’s budget. This is a massive project that will leave your home in a wreck so be sure of your decision as once you took a sledgehammer to your walls there is no going back. Gutting a home can be laborious work and frankly boring too but what needs to be done so before you start tearing down the walls of your home, or ripping up the floors be careful to perform the following tasks.
1. Spatial Awareness
Everybody loves space, isn’t it? People are generally cautious about how they utilize their space in a room so instead of blindly turning your room into a ramshackle, take an inventory of all fixtures, fittings, and appliances you tend to use and ensure that the room will accommodate your needs accordingly. Consider every feature and equipment inside your room when planning the size of a room because one day you might sell your home and not everyone is prepared to compromise on space. For instance, a confined bathroom or kitchen is a turn off for most people because they tend to get a bit messy. Measuring out the room space to live in is an essential part of a home gutting process.
2. Structural durability
Structural durability is how strong the foundation of your home is, if it has a structural integrity then your home can take that additional stress of wear and tear and handle the weights. If you have not accessed your load-bearing structures then you are running a very risky game as your entire home can collapse if there is too much weight on a structure that was not designed to take too much load. This is a common mistake when household owners do not fully comprehend the vitality load-bearing structures.
3. Professional Construction
It is incredibly important to find construction professionals who have a wealth of experience and home gutting requires different aspects of construction into focus such site, structural integrity and whether the building work will have an adverse impact on your neighborhood. Hire a professional builder who will understand your limitations and plans and get the work done skillfully right on time.
4. Professional building inspections
The building inspector is a MUST when you are making structural changes to your home because each stage will include breaking down walls and structures and if the builder makes wrong assessment, a collapse could occur causing more repair & maintenance. Your building inspector will provide you with construction reports that will highlight the issues before the builder carries it to the next level.
Home Gutting is a back-breaking job with a lot of challenges along the way to make sure you did a proper safety gear and counter-check the home measurement because it is not a simple task.
If you are renovating or gutting your home and require details on how to go about it then contact Apex Group. We have a team of professional builders who will successfully perform house gutting and get you the perfect results you desire! Stay tuned to our blogs to learn more about the subject.

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