17 August, 2018

6 Easy Steps to Buy DHA Affidavit File

Tips & Advice

6 Easy Steps to Buy DHA Affidavit File

This blog will really help you out if you are interested to buy property in DHA. It is noticed that 90% of the trading in DHA is being done via Files. According to our stats 30% of all transactions in DHA Lahore are for Files and 90% transactions in non-balloted phases or other cities are in Files. Being a genuine client you may face hurdles and the reason is non-regulated real estate market in Pakistan. This blog is a proper guide for those who are planning to buy DHA Affidavit file, this blog will help you sail through the process like a boss.

Let us tell you know that there’s no any such difference in purchasing an allocation file & a regular plot but yes Affidavit File is very different. In addition to this it is very important being a buyer that you understand all steps involved to buy DHA Affidavit File. Mentioned below are detailed steps let’s go through them briefly.

Step 1 – Select your Real Estate Agent

First of all and most important is to find a reliable, trustworthy real estate agent who will help you in buying DHA Affidavit File. You need to make sure that the agent you hired is a professional DHA registered estate agent. A DHA registered estate agent will stay away as well keep you informed from any non-transparent deals.

Step 2 – Price Check

After hiring the real estate agent price check is the second important step. You need to review the prices to buy the DHA Affidavit File. You can get a general idea from the online real estate portals. One thing to be considered is the rates of file are volatile and they vary frequently. . Also trying to buy DHA Affidavit File at a low price from some infamous agent and fake listing can get you in loads of trouble. So, be rational be careful.

Step 3 – Confirming your Purchase

Step 3 now what you have to do is confirming your purchase, consult your real estate agent and ask him for a quote to buy DHA Affidavit File you are interested in. when you got the quote check the price if it laid in the general range visit your real estate agent office and give him a token (Cheque or Cash of 100000 PKR). You need to pay the transfer fee and submit 2 x passport size photographs and a copy of your CNIC as well. Do not forget to get a receipt of the transaction from your agent’s office.

Step 4 – Voucher and Intimation

Now you have paid the token money moving to step four and this is the seller will submit the Affidavit File in DHA along with the transfer fee, he will be requesting to transfer the File in your favor and then DHA will issue the receipt/voucher to confirm it. It may require 3 to 7 working days’ time frame. This entire process may take up to 4 to 10 working days. If the voucher has been processed by DHA, you can feel secure that your transaction has gone through.

Step 5 – Final Payment and Receiving Intimation

Time to pay the final payment & receiving intimation, after the voucher processing DHA issues the intimation letter to the seller who sends a copy of that to your real estate agent. Your real estate agent will send a copy to you as well so you can verify it from DHA. After verifying now you can safely make the final payment to the seller and receive your original intimation letter. Also get a copy of the affidavit submitted by the seller if available for your personal record. Remember that the intimation will have an engraved stamp by DHA confirming its validity.

Step 6 – Receiving Your Allocation Letter

Final step receiving your allocation letter, after collecting your intimation letter you will receive your allocation letter from DHA after 15 working days. You will have to deposit your membership fee and misc. charges which vary between 50000 to 100000 depending upon the kind of Affidavit File you have purchased (Residential or Commercial). You will have to visit DHA office yourself to collect your Allocation letter.

This was all for today. We are sure that these steps will help you to ride the wave like a pro. For further information and questions contact us at Apex Group “Converting Dreams into Reality”

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