07 November, 2018

6 Effective Ways to keep your Home Cozy and Warm this Winters

Home Decoration

Frosty nights, grey skies and biting wind. When winter hits there’s nothing better than luxuriating safe and cosy in your warm comfy bedroom. Transforming your room for winter can be done easily in one grey Sunday afternoon and doesn’t have to cost a fortune. With these simple tricks, you’ll feel like you’re snuggled up and pretty much ward off the winter blues.

Use your Fireplace

There is nothing like a fireplace and sitting near to it and basking in its glorious warmth and trying to defrost from the weather outside. Fireplaces lend a magical aura and spread warmth inside the entire home keeping out the chill and making the whole home interior look inviting and exotic.

Seal All Windows and Doors

Ensure that all of your windows and doors are completely sealed from the outside as this can dramatically increase your energy bills and make your home cold. This may seem like an obvious tip, yet most people tend to ignore the drafts of cold air coming from their doors and windows.

Change your Sheets to Blankets & Throw Rugs Everywhere

Blankets are the ideal way to kick the cold weather to the curb. Have lots of blankets in rooms you spend most of your time in. Chilling in front of the TV wrapped up in a blanket is the perfect way to spend a frosty night. If you haven’t invested in some rugs, now’s the time to do so. Your home loses heat through the floor so rugs are great at keeping things toasty for that bit longer. Also, think about how homey will it look in winters when extra pillows and cushions around every corner of the home. Add some extra cushions and pillows to couches and beds for an extra layer of comfort.

Smear your Walls a Darker Shade

Charcoal grey or chocolate brown are good choices.  Darker walls hold the heat longer than brighter colours.

Put up some Plants

When it’s dark outside, plants add some natural and vibrant colour to your home. They smell lovely and bring some freshness into every corner of a room.

Low Lighting

Soft lighting instantly warms up the atmosphere. A warm-toned lamp shade will give a lovely glow and can add a touch of colour to the room even when not lit. For a modern industrial look vintage-style, exposed globes have a naturally warm light, and they even come in energy-efficient LEDs now. Candlelight, of course, is the ultimate for warming up the atmosphere. 100% beeswax candles have the added benefit of naturally purifying the air in the room and have a subtle honeyed scent.

More interesting blogs coming up soon!


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