01 May, 2019

9 Brilliant Ways to keep your Home Cool this summers


Summers turn up your house like a furnace and entwined with outdoor activities, it makes not just humans overheated but the house as well. Let’s think up some ways to cool up and lower house temperature to survive through the summers better.

Close your Curtains

It keeps up to 30 percent of undesirable warmth originates from your windows, and using shades, draperies and such can spare you up to 7 percent on bills and lower indoor temperatures by up to 20 degrees. Blackout curtains block sunlight, naturally insulating the rooms in which they're installed. When you go buying curtains this summers chose neutral-colored curtains with white plastic backings to reduce heat gain by up to 33 percent. So close your blinds and keep the house relatively cool in this intense summer heat.

Change your Bedsheets

Not exclusively does seasonally changing your bedding spruce up a room, but at the same time, it's an extraordinary method to keep cool. While materials like wool sheets and downy covers are phenomenal for protection, cotton is a more brilliant move this season as it inhales simpler and remains cooler.

Turn Off Lights when not in use

Lights produce heat, particularly the glowing ones. On the off chance that you can't supplant this old-fashioned kind of knob, the least you can do is limit their utilization. A few homes install solar panels to help limit the expense of power.

Use Cool White Fabric on Furniture

White fabric covers will help retain less heat in your furniture. These covers will also reflect the light. Some would say that it absorbs less heat from sunlight. The furniture and interior of the house stay cooler in the process.

Switch On your Bathroom and Kitchen Fans

These exhaust fans can turn down the heat from other room and keep the stuffiness or stale air at bay. These exhaust fans will keep the rooms ventilated and cooler. Also, a bonus is to cook in the kitchen during the coolest time of the day to prevent creating extra fumes and suffocating heat.

Put on Ceiling Fans on a Clockwise rotation mode

Installing ceiling fans could cut costs by as much as 40 percent in the summer. Make sure your ceiling fan is switched to “counterclockwise” rotation in the summer months so that air is forced down instead of up towards the ceiling. This provides cooler air, making your house’s temperature feel more comfortable.

Iron or Launder Your Clothes in Morning

As morning is the coolest part of the day the best thing is to do your “warm” house chores before the heated afternoons as they tend to create furnace vibes and high temperatures blocked inside the home.

Cooler Bed mattress

Use a mattress that is cool instead of a foam mattress with air pockets in them to trap heat.

Install some indoor plants

Orchids and Boston Fern are two house plants that improve air quality and remove toxins from atmosphere letting you breath fresh air and top it off these plants lend beauty indoors.

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