23 March, 2019

Apex Group wishes everyone a Happy Pakistan Resolution Day


“No power on Earth can undo Pakistan”- Mr. Jinnah

On this auspicious day i.e. 23rd March 2019, Apex Group wishes every citizen of Pakistan A Happy Pakistan Day. It is the day of commitment and contains historic significance as it was the day when the idea of an independent homeland for Muslim was laid in which they can lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam, follow their own culture, traditions and their very way of life independently.

We pray for the peace and joy of our homeland and wish our people to develop to the fullest spiritual, cultural, economic, social and political life in a way that we think best and in consonance with our own ideas and according to the genius of our people.

#PakistanDay #PakistanZindabad #23rdMarch #ResolutionDay #LongLivePakistan #BleedGreen #CommitmentDay


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