22 August, 2018

Apex Group wishes you warmest Eid ul Azha Mubarak


Eid ul Azha Mubarak Everyone!

Apex Group is wishing our audience a very warm and prosperous Eid Mubarak! This Eid calls for a true essence of sacrifice and teaches a lesson to remember the less fortunate ones on this blessed day. Eid ul Azha is about sacrificing the animal as the revival of “Sunnat e Ibrahimi” and then the meat has to be distributed among the poor and the needy. This Eid meet and greet your loved ones and if they are far away then call them up and spread good wishes and festive vibes. May Allah SWT accept our prayers and blanket us in HIS blessings, Love and glory!

Let this Eid close the gap between rich and the poor and go out of your way to make them happy and feel important, because they are deserving of our love and attention. To all the menfolk out there, let your ladies have a rest from the kitchen and help them in their cooking chores as the outpourings of guests and eating the whole lot of people is not an easy task! Arrange a delicious outdoors barbeque party and have a great meaty Eid!

#EidulAzha #Eid2k18 #BariEid #SpreadLove #EidMubarak #FestiveSeason #WarmWishes #Prosperity #GoodVibes #SmilesAllAround #HappyEid #ApexGroup #ApexBlogs #Lahore

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