17 June, 2019

CDA decides to initiate development work in I to 14

Property News

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has chosen to start development work in Sector I-14, detailed a news source. This sector has been confronting consistent postponements with respect to finishing of improvement work. 

According to reports, the civic agency has assigned funds worth PKR 500 million for this reason in its yearly spending plan for 2019-20. The CDA sources have affirmed that the funds have been reserved for completing development work in the (financial year) FY2019-20. The allotted funds will be utilized for the development of streets and arrangement of city offices - including sewerage and water, gas, and power supply. 

As for other CDA segments that have been confronting delays in completion of development work, the official sources have uncovered that work in Sector I-12 and I-15 won't begin in FY 2019-20. 

As indicated by CDA authorities, Sector I-14 property allottees are unfit to start development take a shot at their plots because of an absence of community offices in the territory. This issue requires prompt consideration of the specialists concerned. 

Besides, CDA will supposedly complete improvement work in Sector I-14 Markaz with an aim to sell some of the business plots in the territory. The bartering will help the advancement specialist bring more assets for completing improvement work.

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