15 August, 2018

Checklist for Renting a Property

Tips & Advice

If you are renting out your property do you know how to get your job done perfectly according to the laws. As a responsible citizen you must obey the rule & laws what the concern authorities have imposed.  Though renting a property is a technical matter which includes a lot of paperwork and responsibility for both landlords and tenants. You never know if your tenant has any malicious intentions same case for the tenants if you are a tenant you need to be careful too. This all can be so easy if both parties the landlord and the tenant are well aware of the laws involved. If you are not aware of these laws than you should. Listed down are  some essential and basic checklists for both tenants and landlords.

Checklist for Tenants

Taking in account the Punjab Rented Premises Act 2009, the Sindh Rented Premises Ordinance 1979, the Islamabad Rent Restriction Ordinance 2001, and the North-West Frontier Province/Balochistan Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance 1959, here are some basic things tenants should watch out for when renting a home in Pakistan. Note that some of these rules differ from province to province.

  • Tenants are required to pay their rent on time. In Punjab and Sindh, this falls on the 10th of the month in which it is due and in Islamabad, KPK, and Balochistan, this is the 15th of the month.

  • Tenants are required to leave the premises in the state they received it in.

  • The premises will not be used for any other purpose except for the one it was rented out for

  • The landlord will have to be allowed inside for inspection and repair purposes.

  • Tenants will not create a nuisance for the neighbourhood or conduct criminal activities from the premises.

  • Tenants will not make any structural or permanent changes to the premises without the landlord’s consent.

  • They will vacate the property at the end of their rental agreement period.

In Sindh and Balochistan, extra stipulations are that tenants will have to vacate the property if the landlord requires it or is an orphan or widow, even if the rental agreement period has not ended. This also applies to landlords who are senior citizens or are retiring.

Checklist for Landlords

Being a landlord has a lot of responsibilities and liabilities as a landlord is risking a major asset that they own. The rental agreements have to drafted carefully with due research being done in the rental laws of the relevant region, as in all cases, if a clause in a rental agreement clashes with the rental laws of the area, the one in the agreement will hold precedence. In general, landlords all over the country have similar responsibilities, with some minor differences.

  • Landlords will register the rental agreement with the Rent Registrar.

  • Landlords will be responsible for repairs unless otherwise stipulated in the rental agreement.

  • Landlords will provide a copy of the tenancy agreement to the tenants.

  • The taxes, fees, and charges on a property will be paid by the landlord.

  • A landlord will not cut off any utility or amenity without just cause.

  • Landlords may not enter the premises without due notice.

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