31 July, 2018

DHA Lahore Transfer Procedure Guide step by step


Today we brought the plot transfer procedure guide step by step for our valued clients. If you have chosen your dream plot or house and now you are up to successfully settle the deal and get it transferred in your name. We will make it easy for you if you are unaware of the transfer procedure just go through below mentioned details briefly.  We brought a simple guide of the DHA Lahore Transfer Procedure for you.


First of all you have to pay token money in favor of the seller to show your interest in buying the property. Token money is an important step as you must verify the property before you make a Biana. In case the seller accepts your offer he will keep the token money and sign the verification form. Now you need to assure the property you are about to purchase is clear from all sorts of court proceedings and any other issues in this regard verification ensures that the property is clear from all such things. In case the plot is cleared, you need to pay Biana according to DHA Lahore Transfer Procedure. But if you found the verification is not cleared, you need to cancel the purchase of the property and get your token money back from seller.

Documents Required for Verification

  • Copy of CNIC of seller.
  • Copy of CNIC of Authority Holder.
  • Original paid Voucher of Verification Fee.
  • Copy of Property Dealer’s Registration Card.
  • Copy of Allocation / Intimation / Allotment / Transfer Letter(s).


If you found the plot clear in the verification procedure, now the time is to sign a Biana for the said property. Biana amount that you have to pay to the seller must be 1/4th of the total rate of the property. There is already a set pattern of Biana for DHA Lahore Transfer available. Both buyer and seller can add any terms and conditions else in the clauses which they found appropriate if they mutually agree.

Listed below are some really important points that you must keep in mind while signing of Biana.

  • Registered Biana issued by state bank must be used.
  • Biana must be signed in the presence of both parties and two witnesses.
  • Left thumb impression in case of men and right thumb impression in case of women must be used.
  • In case the seller is abroad, Biana should be sent to his address and signed via Skype or attested by the embassy.

The second step after signing Biana or pay order handing over to the seller, you need some documents signed by the seller for sake of starting transfer process. Your dealer will arrange all of these listed documents for further documentation. The required documents are as follow:


  • NDC
  • Authority letter for dues.
  • Site Plan in case of possession plots only.
  • FBR form.
  • IT – 5 Form.

Your dealer will keep all these documents after signing with him till the transfer procedure accomplish.

Preparing for Transfer

In DHA Lahore Transfer Procedure start right after the Biana. The most important factors which involves in this procedure are as following. This is your realtor responsibility to do all these for you.

  • Applying for NDC.
  • Applying for dues.
  • Obtaining a copy of Completion Certificate only for House / Building.
  • Obtaining property Tax receipt and clearance certificate from Walton / Lahore Cantt Board.
  • Applying for a Copy of Site Plan for the plots (if possession is open and if seller does not have it).
  • Obtaining TIP Paid receipt and Clearance Certificate from Walton / Lahore Cantt Board (Constructed Property). In case of exemption, Exemption Certificate is attached.
  • Obtaining No Object Certificate for Armed Forces Personnel in case of Service Benefit Plots / Plots allotted out of Defence quota from GHQ AG’s Branch (W&R Directorate).
  • Obtaining photocopies of Pension Book, Discharge Certificate and Form ‘B’ in case of Retired Junior Commissioned Officers / Non Commissioned Officers and Next Of Kins of Shaheed / Deceased (duly attested by District Arms Services Board).


This entire procedure of transferring plot involves a series of payments before transfer completes and it is essential thing to know who pays what.

Seller’s End Dues

  • FBR if applicable.
  • IPT Tax if applicable.
  • Excess area dues.
  • Copy of Property Dealer’s Registration Card.
  • Any other dues including non-construction penalty.
  • TIP Tax and clearance from cantt board before applying NDC.

Buyer’s End Dues

  • Verification Fee.
  • Biana and stamp Fee.
  • Membership form Fee.
  • Agreement to sell.
  • Transfer Fee Voucher.
  • Vendor Fee for preparation of transfer file.
  • Advance Tax (1% of DC value if Taxpayer or 2% of DC Value if non tax payer)

The Transfer Day

The whole procedure of transferring property is time taking and it takes 5 to 7 days to get this all done. It is important that both parties come to DHA office at the agreed time. Here’s the check List for the Transfer Day


  • Bring original CNIC.
  • Bring complete original file.
  • Bring Original Allocation / Intimation / Allotment / Transfer Letter(s).


  • IT – 5 Form.
  • Cantt Board Taxes.
  • Original agreement to sell.
  • Membership Form of the buyer.
  • Transfer Fee. (As per the Size and Phase)
  • Advance Tax Payment receipt (if applicable).
  • Transfer Documents set specimen available at DHA Office Reception.
  • 2 x Passport size photographs of new owner (Duly attested by Oath Commissioner).
  • Original Allocation / Intimation / Allotment / Transfer Letter(s) at the time of transfer.
  • Capital Value Tax (CVT) & Stamp Duty undertaking on Stamp Paper of Rs 50/= from purchaser.
  • Original Sale Deed along with affidavits of Seller and Purchaser for surrendering, if plot is registered.

Post Transfer

After the transfer successfully concluded, both parties’ seller and the buyer have to sign the agreement to sell and exchange pay orders. After signing the agreement the seller will hand over the covering letter to the buyer. Before the buyer collects the allotment letter from DHA after 15 working days or 4 in case he/she applies for urgent collection yet, the he or she has to pay CVT, Stamp duty and membership fee.

Buyer has to follow this process after transfer:

  • Pay membership fee (Rs-37000).
  • Pay CVT through his estate agent (2% of DC Value).
  • Pay Stamp Duty through his estate agent (3% of DC Value).

This was the whole process guide step by step for transferring plot or any property in DHA. We hope that you found this helpful in understanding DHA Lahore Transfer Procedure. For further information or any queries contact us at Apex Group “Converting Dreams into Reality”


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