16 June, 2018

Eid Mubarak to Everyone from the family of Apex Group


There’s no greater blessing than that of Allah. There’s no greater happiness than that of attaining pure Bliss.  Apex Group wishes you all a very peaceful Eid full of joy, glory and warm celebrations. Eid is an occasion that calls for a family feast where family and friends plan for a fun gathering together in homes and the process of meet and greet begins in all its sparkle. Families rise and shine early as the day begins with Muslim brothers offering Eid prayers in mosques shortly after the dawn whereas the women get busy in preparing a banquet of food. The atmosphere on Eid day is celebratory with children demanding eidi from parents and elders, women adorned with glittery jewelry and new eid dresses topped with traditional choorian “bangles” that match the shade of their clothes and menfolk enjoying the sumptuous meals and treats. Every household is doubly busy on Eid day with full fun activity planned for every three days of Eid.

Eid Ul Fitr isn’t just about amusement, food galore and constant Eid hugs, instead, the true spirit of Eid is about spreading happiness and kindness in any form possible among the less fortunate. The best way to spend Eid in my view is by meeting the lesser ranks with open loving arms, sharing money (eidi ) and food treats with them and having a great time with them so that they don’t feel left out and lonesome on such a beautiful day. The month of Ramzan may have ended, but let’s keep the noble gestures, charity giving (sadqa), and humble prayers in our lives the same way regardless of any specific month.


Spread Smiles and share love with everyone around you, because that’s the true meaning and color of “EID” and don’t forget to give eidi to kids in your home and to all the men out there don’t forget to help the ladies in the kitchen! “Who doesn’t do the helping doesn’t do the eating” I sorely believe.


Lastly, Make Allah SWT happy, and everything will be heavenly on Earth. With this lovely message, we are signing off,

May the noor of this EID illuminate your heart, mind, soul and may all your prayers be answered. Remember us in your prayers. EID MUBARAK!”

Best Regards

Apex Group!

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