08 September, 2018

Essential Tips to consider before setting a Chandelier in a Home

Home Decoration

“Chandeliers are Marvels of Drop-Dead Showiness, the jewelry of Architecture” Peter York.

Chandeliers outshine a room and completely outweigh other expensive home decor items, deliberately making you double-look at them. Chandeliers not just sparkle they definitely lend a personality and oomph feel to a room, and it wouldn’t be completely wrong to say that mini chandeliers placed above a whirlpool bath tub or a big-sized glamorous chandelier atop the living room is a source of envy for outsiders. I absolutely love chandeliers in a home not because they illuminate a room but instead give magical aura when tipped at a slightly edge-angle with dimmed lights at the background and I swear it looks like a castle. There is something so classic about chandeliers but beside the fact that its very presence in a home can magnify beauty by a thousand times, it is vital to know certain technical facts as how to go about fixing a chandelier.

Everything has to be a perfect match to set up a chandelier, a little wrong decision on part of size of chandelier or where to put it up can break the delicate balance. So some of the factors to bear I mind include the following,

Choose a Chandelier that’s the correct size of your Room

If you install a chandelier that’s too big for the space, it can feel overwhelming. Too small and it’s underwhelming. It’s one of those design elements in which proportion is key.

Compliment the Color Palette and Materials of the Space

A chandelier should feel like an extension of the style of that particular room. When searching for a chandelier, think about the hues and materials that stand out in the room. Are warm woods or dark woods prevalent? Do you lean toward bright colors, or do you enjoy a neutral palette? Do you mix metals, or is only one metal present in the room? These are the things to consider when looking at wood, beaded, crystal or metal chandeliers.

Put a Chandelier in an Unexpected Location

Although chandeliers look great in the classic spots like dining rooms, entryways, master bedrooms—it’s fresh and inventive when one is hung in a non-traditional space. Could your laundry room use a boost of style and luxury? Do you have a powder room that needs some eye-catching décor? Perhaps your kitchen requires some extra lighting, and a chandelier could do the trick. Even children’s room are increasingly displaying playful chandeliers that pop. Push the boundaries with where you hang your chandeliers.

Hang the Chandelier Correctly

Depending on where you’re placing your chandelier, there are some guidelines you can follow. When hanging a chandelier above a dining room table, experts generally agree that it should hang 30 to 36 inches above your table. The rule is simple—the taller the ceiling, the taller the chandelier, and chains can always be extended or shortened if needed. For an entryway, the majority of pros assert that the chandelier should hang no lower than 7 feet.

Make Your Chandelier the Focal Point of the Room

Chandeliers work beautifully as the center of attention in a room. This is undoubtedly true if the chandelier is particularly ornate or displays vibrant colors. In your space, forgo large, attention-grabbing furniture or décor items in lieu of a chandelier that’s directly in the spotlight, and allow it to shine.

Chandeliers are anything but boring, agreed that they complete a home but it is not necessary to put up a showy ostentatious chandelier if your home in a small one because it will look like fish out of the water. Awkward and occupying a lot of space. Small & Simple chandeliers can do the same trick. So be wise when you chose and make sure you follow the guidelines above for the perfect “chandelier effect” in a home.

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