21 June, 2019

FBR to upload updated list of non filers on website today

Property News

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) will transfer a refreshed rundown of five-to-six million non-filers of income tax returns on its website today (Friday), a news source revealed. 

FBR Member Inland Revenue Policy Hamid Atiq communicated his perspectives on the issue during a briefing to the Senate Standing Committee on Finance at the Parliament House on Thursday. 

He said that the federal institution has chosen to give the people concerned online access to their advantages and records' subtleties. The information incorporated by the FBR has every one of the subtleties concerning the records and resources held by non-filers. 

For accessing the data on the board's site, the people concerned should give their modernized national personality card (CNIC) subtleties. 

FBR has evaluated that 10% of the populace (seven to eight million individuals) is in a situation to make good on government obligations. The specialist intends to add two million individuals to the duty section before the finish of the (monetary year) FY2019-20.

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