15 December, 2018

Funds for Rawalpindi Ring Road Development Approved

Property News

The Punjab Government has allocated PKR 99.975 million for feasibility study and design of Rawalpindi Ring Road (RRR) project. The project, planned some 25 years ago, has finally emerged out of the doldrums. Two separate Project Management Units (PMUs) will be formed for executing the project and acquisition of land. Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) is the executing agency.

RDA would initiate the process for the hiring of a consultant net week by advertising expression of interests. It would also prepare the PC-I after procurement of land.

The provincial government has yet to decide on a funding plan for the project. One option is to secure loans from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank of China (AIIB). The second option involves a public-private partnership. Authorities have planned the inauguration for March 2019. The project will also feature mono trains, the tracks for which will be laid in cooperation with Pakistan Railways.

At least 1,080 acres of land will be acquired for the 38-kilometer-long track of RRR. The project will have three interchanges, 10 overhead bridges, six regular bridges, and a 15-kilometer long network of link roads.

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