16 April, 2018

Gardens An Essential Touch for a Perfect Home

Tips & Advice
Gardens –An Essential Touch for a Perfect Home
“Discipline a garden and you can nurture anyone” This is so true. The wildness of a garden is a beautiful mess that every homeowner demands to have in order to enhance the beauty and galore of a house. Garden is the first thing a guest notices when entering a home and if the gardens are well manicured with trimmed shrubbery then it is a heavenly vision and a warm welcome.  Gardens are becoming a60% of homeowners want to purchase or built a house with gardens in them.  Gardening can be a hobby or passion, whatever may be the reason of having one at your home, but the fact is you cannot ignore them because they have a mystical appeal that beckons to you.
“My gardens are a pure delight and I bet it’s more enchanting than yours”. “I invest so much time & love in my gardens and they bloom in the form of flowers” You must have heard this so many times from people depicting the craze for gardening. Gardens don’t just enhance the appeal and aesthetics of a home, they produce so many colourful & fragrant flowers and fruits and vegetables. Some homes have allotted a defined space for organic gardens to produce fruits & vegetables and much of their cooking includes home-grown ingredients. 
Large sprawling yards are becoming less and less common this year and small gardens particularly the specialized gardens, balcony gardens and vertical gardens have high demand. Lush gardens with unusual edibles and rare varieties of flowers including hybrid plants and the diverse seedling is a new way to blossom the gardens. This year small gardens that contain small herb shrubbery and rosebushes with small to medium height trees especially silk floss trees and bonsai trees with lush green carpeted grass will be a big-time IN. Make sure to mow the lawn and place tiny potted plants or terracotta flower pots surrounding the garden arena to give a more luxury and irresistible touch. 
Every visitor has to pass through the gardens to get to the main door of the house and sometimes extraordinary maintenance of a beautiful garden can do zillions of good to a house. It can increase the resale value of a home, add exotic beauty, and promote healthy living. People love to walk in the gardens in the morning when the dew drops and morning mist are glistening on treetops and grass beneath the feet is crisp and alive. Sometimes just looking at the greenery and exotic flowers and inhaling fresh air is all the boost you need to calm your worries, and gardens do an excellent job of it.
Turning gardens into a multipurpose space is the hottest trend in 2018 and meditation spaces are some of the popular options. Use flowing curves instead of straight lines to lend a sense of natural grace to your gardens and keep experimenting with gardening techniques to bring symmetry and poise to your plantings. A breathtaking garden requires a lot of time and nurturing spirit to make it worth a sight so this year incorporate a small peaceful spot in your gardens such as meditation bench, hammock swing or a small reflecting pool. With small gardens and more people living in same space, privacy is paramount in 2018. Opt for green walls, climbing vines and thorny plants as a part of security from unpleasant intruders.  
Gardens are not complete without the roses in them. Wouldn’t you agree? So make a visit to your nearest nursery and see the newest options and buy rosebushes, begonia in different colours and nightingale flowers to increase the magical appeal of your garden by multifold. Garden Game is strong this year to ensure the presence of a small garden when buying or building a home!
Happy Gardening Everyone!

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