18 June, 2018

How can Real Estate Developers salvage the water Crisis in Pakistan


The water crisis is like a ticking time bomb in Pakistan and one of the massive issues faced by the country that is unfolding a series of profound implications for the political stability and security. We could blame rapid urbanization and conflict combined with corruption, crime and lack of government prioritization to this long-festering crisis, however instead of crying over the spilled milk it’s about time the entire nation takes a step forward to overcome it. Largely the responsibility of crisis whether the cause of it or finding methods to beat the water shortage falls on the wide shoulders of the government, however real estate developers are the next in line to contribute positively to save us from the misery.

Before we move onto how can the real estate developers help defeat the water troubles let us tell you about some very shocking water statistics and consumption of clean water over the last 30 years. From 1990 to 2015, the percentage of the country’s population with access to clean water increased from 86 percent to 91 percent. But in a reversal of what happens in most countries, almost all of this improvement occurred in rural areas—the percentage of urban residents with access to clean water actually declined from 97 to 94 percent over the same period. The water shortage in capital city Islamabad and twin city Rawalpindi has reduced by 65% due to low rains. So it’s strange that the water disaster has become pronounced more in the recent years.

The question to ponder over is what can be done to defeat the water calamity?

Build Small Dams

Yes, we all want that the financial proposal and figures for the construction of Kalabagh dam gets an approval by the State and whatsoever controversy is lingering over it be solved as soon as possible. The successful completion of Kalabagh Dam will be the much needed respite and answered prayers to our cries as the dam will inject the country’s economy with PKR 70 billion each year. The purpose of small dams is to distribute water according to the respective requirement of the houses/units/societies etc. Bahria Town has taken a similar initiative where small dams are being constructed in Islamabad and Rawalpindi for their projects. Currently the latest on the relevant news is that dam engineers are being hired for the construction of multiple small dams.

Set Up Water Treatment Plants & Conserve Water

Let’s begin with conserving water source as much as possible, we have been using water in careful abundance in lawn, washrooms and kitchen but let’s start consuming less water. If you see any wasteful spillage or extravagant usage then instantly stop it. The Punjab Environment Protection Department has made it mandatory for all real estate developers to set up water treatment plants to recycle and reuse water. It is the most reasonable step to do in dire straits. All the water that is flushed down the gutters in societies will be processed back to clean drinking water.

Increase Water Tariff and impose penalty on water wasters

Make water an expensive commodity, as extra usage of water will end up deciding to increase water tariffs but before this happens the activity of water theft has to stop in any illegal form. We must start penalizing those involved in illegal boring and water connections, those who do not pay their bills, and especially those who waste it by washing their cars, porches and alleys with water hoses and in many other wasteful ways.

Water crisis is a BIG calamity that calls for emergency situation as the world cannot survive without water. So let’s conserve water in every way and ensure water filtration plants are established accompanied with multiple small dams in housing societies to fulfill the needs of locals as per their water requirements without imposing a burden on other resources. It is the right of every citizen in Pakistan to prevent our blessed homeland from drying out.

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