28 July, 2018

How Technology is changing the Real Estate Industry Marketing


Technology is ever-changing and changing rapidly with every moment of time, and technology has a solid impact on every field of life. Same like other fields of life technology revolutionized the real estate sector as well. Today we will discuss that how technology changed the real estate industry marketing campaigns.

Real estate sector is one of those areas that technology has affected most significantly. Let’s see some ways that technology has revolutionized.

  • Accessibility
  • Online Marketing
  • Mobile Devices
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Cost Cutting
  • Website Improvement
  • Online Reviews & Ratings
  • 3D Virtual Tours
  • Enhanced Speed

Easy Accessibility with One Click

The majority people considering purchasing or offering a home or any property begins online whether it is on a PC or cell phone. This implies the relators need a site and that site should be accessible since numerous individuals are looking on their PDAs or tablets and not really on their personal computer.

Online Marketing

As mentioned above majority people started using internet for their real estate searches this means the realtors, real estate brokers and brokerages have to add online marketing to their over-all marketing strategy. Online marketing is less expensive as compare to physical marketing. Only website is not included in online marketing but advertisement over social media is also included in it. As social media is a great too of marketing.

Mobile Devices

This is the era of mobile or cellular phones, the usage of mobiles phones are increased now a days and this increased use of mobiles have sped up the entire real estate process. Thanks to the cutting-edge technology the business can be conducted anytime anywhere in the world. The clients can search from home and connect to their realtors with their mobile phones. The real estate mobile apps gave the users more ease to find their desired properties.

Artificial Intelligence

Generally it took lots of time as well more resources to find & contact a genuine client. Artificial Intelligence technology helps to engage potential clients online in natural-sounding conversation, also can reach more and more genuine clients in less time tirelessly.

 Cost Cutting

Thanks to technology now no need to spend a huge amount of money on newspaper ads, hundred & thousands of banners, flayers & broachers. People are saving their money running their marketing Campaigns online over the social media & their website.

Website Improvement

Google Analytics is a tracking platform many other tracking platforms are there which are becoming mandatory for any marketer looking to figure out which web pages and strategies work best for generating leads.

Data from how each page performs will help you improve your marketing efforts, which is why as many as 30 – 50 million websites use Google Analytics.

Online Reviews & Ratings

Clients are more updated and have more awareness than ever before. User can see everything from the activity history and ratings to the criminal activities. This all enable the clients to make much better deal & decisions. 

3D Virtual Tour

If you are interested in a property, no need to go to the site for viewing the property. Virtual Tours have made this possible, now the buyers do not have to waste their time any more.

Enhanced Speed

The technology has led us to great efficiencies in the real estate industry. In the past, a huge amount of paperwork and a lot of time was required to close any deal. But now, schedules and contracts can be tracked with speed and ease thanks to the collaboration of technology.

No doubt technology has come a long way in helping and improving marketing strategies in real estate industry especially. This is all for today if you find this blog informative do write to us and we will bring more informative blogs for you. Contact us at Apex Group “Converting Dreams into Reality”

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