01 August, 2018

How to Keep your House Breezy in this Humid Weather and Stay Cool

Tips & Advice

Working in the humid weather is killing let alone breathe. So there are many ways you can avoid getting breathless and humid fatigued. The best ways to keep your home chilled and ventilated are,

The advent of Air Conditioners

Keep your home cool via Air conditioners and Inverters, So, it makes good sense to carefully evaluate your home’s cooling options to select the right system to meet your needs.  It is going to run up a high bill at the end of summers so make sure you set the temperature on a moderate level to keep rooms cool and bills low.

Stay Comfortable and Spend Less

Use the energy-saver mode on window units, and use programmable thermostats for multi-room or whole-house systems so your machines don’t do extra work to cool the place when nobody is home.

When you’re ready to cool down, don’t drop immediately to a cold temperature — starting that low won’t speed up the cooling process, but it will make your machine work harder and expend more energy.

If you want to offer your machine — and your energy bills — a little relief, proper ventilation in your home can certainly aid your cool-down efforts. Ventilation improves indoor air quality, removes moisture and odors, and exchanges stuffy indoor air for fresh, cool outside breezes.

Start boosting your home’s natural ventilation by opening doors and windows, especially in the evenings. Encourage airflow by installing ceiling fans, window fans, and attic exhaust fans to push hot air outside and draw cooler air into your home.

It is advisable to run ceiling fans in a counterclockwise direction, drawing cooler air up from the floor. Even positioning a few portable fans near windows or a basement door at night can draw the cooler air from these areas into the home.

Regular Maintenance and Maximum Cool-down

Change your filter. This quick and easy chore reduces the burden on your air conditioner, improves indoor air quality, and helps you — and your air conditioner — breathe easier. Clean the coils. An air conditioner’s coils and fins on the outside of the unit should be kept unobstructed and cleaned regularly. Use Natural Light and High-Efficiency Lighting, A traditional 1oo watt light bulb can increase the heat by 11 degrees per hour in a small room. Don’t Cook outdoors as it’s another reason to create smoke and heat. So plan your meals beforehand and cook with exhaust fans open. Planting shades is a bit time consuming and require planning but it is a fabulous idea to block out heat and 70% of solar radiation from entering your home. Sun-loving trees and shrubs, cool indoor plants will imbibe the heat and keep your room breathier and alive.

Heat Tolerant Plants that Help Provide Shade are,

  • Sunflowers
  • Corn
  • Banana Plants
  • Palms
  • Cannas
  • Dwarf Fig tree
  • Lemon Grass
  • Crape Myrtle Tree
  • Mimosa tree

Avoid going out unnecessary and keep yourself hydrated with cool drinks and lemonade. Don’t Get suntanned and keep an umbrella as a backup for rains come uninvited these monsoon seasons.

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