13 July, 2019

How to Prepare Your Home for the Summers


Service the air conditioning

 Nothing can ruin your day like a broken air conditioner on a late spring day, so keep it running easily by overhauling it each spring. At regular intervals, change the channel, flush out channel lines with a cup of blanch, and guarantee that the outdoor unit has space to move around by keeping vegetation about a safe distance away. 

 Rotate ceiling fan blades.

Your ceiling fan may have a switch that alters the direction wherein the blades turn. Assuming this is the case, ensure that the cutting edges are rotating counterclockwise and driving air down, instead of up. 

 Clean behind appliances.

You've been putting it off for far too long. You’re terrified of the horrors that await in the shadows of your kitchen, but it’s time to put on some gloves, arm yourself with disinfectant cleaner and roll out the oven with a brave face
Patch your lawn
If you wait too long to plant new grass seeds or sod, aggressive weeds will happily fill the gaps for you. Luckily, grass will quickly establish if you remove all existing weeds beforehand, amend with topsoil and keep the area irrigated for the first week or two.
Clean the grill.
Prevent flare-ups and cooking fires by giving your grill a good cleaning. Ideally, you’d clean after every use, but you can start fresh with a grill brush, nozzle, and wet rag. Now is also a good time to stock up on charcoal and make sure your tools are ready for grilling season.

These are the must-haves to freshen up your home appearance for summers and make sure to put up fresh flowers, prune your vineyards and decorate every nook and cranny with florals and decor.

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