15 November, 2018

How to stay protected from Killing Smog this Winters


This year around smog is intense and reaching emergency levels shutting down the outdoor activity and travelling and it isn’t just affecting health of citizens instead causing a havoc on economic development. Smog is taking away the breath of everyone and its high time we take dire steps to protect ourselves from Smog Pollution. Before we get on with how to safeguard ourselves from smog let’s get try to educate ourselves about the health effects smog is having on us.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it can be dangerous to breathe in too much smog. Smog contains a pollutant called ozone, and elevated ozone levels can have a variety of negative effects on your lungs. Smog can lead to several different types of health problems. These include:

  • Worsening of asthma symptoms.
  • Difficulty breathing and lung damage.
  • High levels of ozone can irritate your respiratory system, harm your lungs even after symptoms disappear.
  • Eye irritation.
  • Lightheadedness.

Remedies & Steps to survive through Smog

Limit your outdoor activities.
Avoid exercising in smoggy conditions, particularly at midday when ground ozone levels are at their highest. Try to change the times you exercise to morning or evening, or exercise inside.

Cleaning indoor air.
Portable or central air cleaning systems, an air purifier can reduce concentrations of indoor air pollutants, of either outdoor or indoor origin. Whether it is called an air purifier or an air cleaner, the most important components of this type of machine are its air filters. 

Replacing a regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb eliminates about 136 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year.

Get the Right Mask

It is crucial to find the right mask to protect yourself from the repercussions of the polluted air. Avoid surgical and comfort masks as they don't provide adequate respiratory protection to the wearer. 

Don't ignore sustained symptoms

Keep the allergy kit ready with required medicines, inhalers and nebulisers if you have a family member with respiratory illness. It is better to be safe than sorry.
Go Green

Try to make your home a little greener. Bring home some natural air purifiers like Aloe Vera and Spider Plant which .suck up all the pollutants. The plants will not only help with the air quality, but will also help as a mood refresher. 

Check daily air pollution forecasts in your area and stay hydrated always. If you feel necessary to check a doctor or physicians help then don’t hesitate to do so.

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