31 January, 2022

Increasing Importance of Eco friendly Constructions

Apex News

Pakistan finds its name in the list of the top ten countries most affected by climate change. These countries may face severe repercussions if left unmanaged. The world is facing the deadly and harmful effects of climate change; every country has a plan to deal with these effects on its own.

The construction sector is the epicenter of the economic activity of any country. If any country intends to protect its environment, it must first make the construction industry eco-friendly. The quicker and more efficient the move, it would be the better because we live in a world where eco-friendly construction is the essential need of the hour.

What is eco-friendly construction?

Eco-friendly construction means the use of building materials in a manner that they do not adversely affect the health of the environment. For a long time, eco-friendly constructions were abandoned because they cost more than other constructions. However, some measures are imposed on human beings by nature. Now, it has become mandatory to take care of our green cover.

Sustainable construction means the creation of new structures from renewable and recycled materials; the primary purpose of sustainable construction is to decrease the lethal effects of construction on the environment.

It is worth mentioning here that the journey of sustainable construction does not end with building construction. Still, as long as the building is on the ground, it continues to benefit the environment. The use of eco-friendly elements in the design of the building should be ensured with a particular focus on best insulation, use of solar panels and energy conservation.

Some important facts to mention

The impact of the construction sector on the environment cannot be denied. Heavy machinery used in construction alone accounts for 36% of global energy use and 40% of carbon dioxide use, respectively.

Similarly, the transportation of construction materials from one place to another, preparation of concrete, dumping used materials, and construction waste are all such matters that cause a fatal effect on the environment.

Characteristics of eco-friendly constructions

Eco-friendly construction ensures the conservation of energy and water resources, which are utilized through a mechanism that allows them to be used sparingly. Research has shown that any eco-friendly construction is 80% cheaper than ordinary construction on a long-term basis, but construction is still an expensive phase.

Environmentally friendly buildings reduce their dependence on limited energy sources but increase their reliance on unlimited resources such as solar energy.

Eco-friendly constructions take good care of the green element, which positively impacts the human body and its mental health. People who live in eco-friendly buildings are healthier as eco-friendly constructions do not utilize plastics, coal, or any material that has detrimental consequences on human health.

Special focus on water resources in eco-friendly constructions

When it comes to the application of water resources, it is worth mentioning that rainwater is an indispensable natural resource. Special attention is usually paid to its utilization and conservation in eco-friendly constructions. Water makes up 71% of the planet, and only 3% of that 71% is freshwater. It means that the water we can drink and produce is only 3% of the whole ecosystem.

Surprisingly, one-and-a-half percent of that three percent is not available, meaning it is confined to glaciers and ice caps, while some are underground and some are trapped in air humidity.

Understandably, for the seven billion people in the world, there is only half a percent of the water that we are wasting with a very open heart and are seeking the health of this limited resource due to pollution. Thus in eco-friendly constructions, rainwater harvesting and the water-saving system is not only necessary but very important.

For more information, contact Apex Group.

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