03 May, 2019

Land demarcation for Ring Road and Leh Expressway projects completed

Property News

The district administration has got done with outlining land for the Ring Road and Leh Expressway, and the provincial government will start the undertakings soon.

Representative Commissioner Chaudhry Ali Mohammad Randhawa said at the National Press Club Rawalpindi camp that the two ventures would be propelled in the city to ease traffic clog, and the locale organization was allocated the undertaking to delineate land in such manner.

Joined by local authorities, he said the common boss secretary shaped a council comprising of the Rawalpindi Municipal Corporation (RMC), Rawalpindi Waste Management Company (RWMC) and the Water and Sanitation Agency (Wasa) to de-sediment 11 extensive depletes in the city so as to anticipate flooding in Leh Nullah. This will be regulated by the region organization.

"Wasa began work to dig Leh Nullah, and the three community bodies will clean huge nullahs soon," he stated, including that the work will be finished before the rainstorm.

The district administration is endeavoring to ensure low-lying local locations in the city from flooding and has finished every one of its game plans in such manner, Mr. Randhawa said.

He likewise said that the regional organization will set up 16 Ramazan Bazaars in the locale to give basic sustenance things at sensible costs and guarantee that there is an adequate supply of nourishment things at sensible costs in the open market.

There are 37 value judges working at present to guarantee the value list is actualized, he stated, adding that they are intending to include 16 more in the locale.

The area organization has fixed the cost of mutton at Rs750 per kilogram in Ramazan markets and Rs790 per kg in the open market. Beef will be evaluated at Rs450 per kg in Ramazan markets and Rs470 per kg in the open market.

At the point when gotten some information about the supply of milk, he said this was the area of the Punjab Food Authority. The area organization has requested to guarantee that pure milk is provided in the open market at the fixed cost.

In light of another inquiry, Mr. Randhawa said no administration workers employed under the PML-N government have been fired.

He said a human asset advisory group has been shaped to check representatives' execution at the RWMC to direct workers.

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