16 April, 2018

Plot or House Where To Invest


The question whether to buy a house or plot is subject to debate and one’s personal preference so before making a wrong investment always do your homework on cost-benefit analysis to make the perfect choice for you. Some of the factors that require considering before opting for a ready-made home or a plot includes,

Check the Investment Cost

We should always consider the cost of buying, developing and maintaining a property while making an investment. Building a home in a vacant can be a lot of expense, hassle and personal involvement as it would mean starting from a scratch, monitoring and providing raw materials, checking the construction permits. This is tedious and time-consuming whereas moving in a well-built home is comparatively economical but do consider the rental or maintenance charges. If you opt for plots, the development is fast and purchase cost is the only expense spent but constructing a home on a plot is an exorbitant expenditure.

Comfort Zone

Buying a home can spare you from a lot of wastage of time and inconvenience but on the other hand, if you want to dedicate all your time & trouble then go ahead buy a plot. Apartments are hassle-free as the developers take care of construction approvals, civic amenities, luxurious facilities, and maintenance. If you are buying property for investment purpose only then buying a plot would be a better option as there would be no worries of construction, building & maintenance to go through.

Which has a better Resale Value?

The house has a higher resale value than a plot because of the escalating land appreciating value and construction costs. The house, on the other hand, will have a better resale value due to the amenities and accessibility of facilities in the close vicinity. The house has better resale value because the owner of the house also becomes the owner of the land on which the house is constructed. Buying a plot is a lucrative investment too as the land appreciates over the year and a house deteriorates. So although it is a critical decision, in my opinion, a home has greater resale value.

Ensure the Property Appreciation

The appreciation of a property is directly dependent on its locality, so a plot that has a good environmental neighborhood with all the standard facilities available nearby will appreciate faster & higher. The value of a house increases over time based on its furnishings, infrastructure, and house design but plots appreciate faster.

Supply & Demand Equation

The demand for plots always exceeds the demand for constructed homes because plots are not affected or aged over time and not much vacant land is available. The demand for constructed houses is somehow less due to the fact that house designs & repairs become obsolete with years.

When you are facing a dilemma of a house or plot option always consider these factors carefully before making a decision because money spent well is what actually matters.

For more comparison information between house VS Plot or updates on housing market just contact Apex Group we will guide your concerns professionally and make your dreams come true.

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