15 May, 2018

Ramadan A blessed Month for Everyone


“Ramadan is about realizing that this life is nothing but an illusion and test. The real life is the next life.”

Fasting is not about a diet of burning calories, instead it’s about burning pride, ego and sin. Ramadan is the holy month for the Muslims that encourages them to observe fast, practice charity, prayer and the Quran recitation which will untimely benefit the giver and receiver both. Fasting in the month fo Ramadan cleanses the soul and purifies the heart and have you guys ever wondered why we are more content & happy in Ramadan? That’s because we are doing what we are created to do.

Holy Month Traditions

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that when the month of Ramadan arrives, the door of mercy are opened. This is the month to show mercy and forgiveness to all fellow Muslims and a glorious chance to repent on our old sins in front of Allah.

The time duration of fasting starts from Namaz-e-fajar and ends at Namaz-e-Maghrib. There are specific Quaranic verses to recite before observing fast and when breaking a fast. Every night you will hear drummers/sirens in the mosques or residential areas declaring the time before Fajar prayer to facilitate you to complete your Sehri Time. It is a Sunnah to break your fast with a date and water. One major hallmark of this month is Taraweeh prayer, the nightly prayer.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the fundamental pillar in Islam and it has prominent importance in our religion. Allah says that the fasts observed in Holy month of Ramadan will act a shield against Hellfire on the Day of Judgment and any good deed observed In Ramadan is rewarded back multifold. So let’s bag up some good deeds this Ramazan and make our Creator Allah SWT happy.

The last nights of Ramadan involve intense worshipping and asking for forgiveness. Laylat al Qadar, the night of Destiny falls in one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. It is the holiest night of Ramadan and worshipping on this night is better than a thousand times better than any other. Muslims also indulge in the activity of Etikaaf in the last ashra where they seclude themselves and devote their time, energy and themselves to Alllah.

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Ramadan

    The Do’s

  • Recite the Holy Quran on a daily basis.
  • Give Zakat to the less fortunate in this month.
  • Give charity every day; it can be in the form of words, money or food.
  • Try to forgive and forget even if someone hurts you.
  • Do Zikr of Allah and ask for forgiveness.
  • Fast with honest intentions.

    The Don’ts

  • Do not eat or drink or perform any illegal act during the day, before Namaz-e-Maghrib.
  • Don’t eat or drink in front of those who are fasting.
  • Don’t fast to show off.
  • Don’t sleep the entire day to abstain from eating.

Let’s make a promise this month to spread more kindness and love among Muslims and even Non-Muslims and observe fasts and continue to do constant good deed despite of Ramadan or not. Let’s make it a habit to pray and be patient and modest and giving in our daily lives not just exclusively for the month of Ramadan.

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