13 April, 2022

Registration of 458 new real estate companies in SECP

Apex News

In March 2022, the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) registered 2,354 new companies. It has increased the total number of registered companies to 165,688. The country's construction and real estate sector ranked first with the addition of 458 new real estate companies.

The SECP regulator entailed that the capitalization with regards to newly registered firms in the current month stood at PKR 3.5 billion. In March, foreign investment had been reported in more than 53 new companies.

About 63 percent of companies had been registered as private limited companies, and single-member companies were 34 percent. At the same time, the remaining 3% of firms were registered as not-for-profit associations, trade organizations, unlisted public companies, and limited liability partnerships (LLP).

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