19 August, 2018

Smart Earth Conservation Tips to Save the Planet for Our Future Generations


“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”. The quote is surely resonating with truth. How often do you self-monitor your actions and go deep into your soul to reflect on your social responsibilities for protecting the earth as a basic human being? The scale tips to the side of neglect, carelessness and greed by far compared to the urge to take positive initiatives for a greener and safe planet. Don’t you think it’s about time we take serious steps to overcome, oh no it’s a bit late to OVERCOME the issues, and we can MAINTAIN the environmental chaos that we have created ourselves against our intentions? It’s high time we stand for what we stand on, because there is no Planet B and we are responsible for passing on this earth in a better & cleaner version to our next generations to follow. Our negligence over the several decades has caused a lot of damage to our beautiful planet and the result of it is nothing short of monstrous global warming, water and air pollution, the birth of anonymous diseases, depletion of natural resources and the list keeps going.

Let’s be an earth warrior and unanimously come together to bring a change to the globe. Lets rack our brains and jot down smart & easy ways how we can little by little contribute in conserving the Earth. Some major pointers that we can implement in our daily lives include,

  • Switch to Energy Efficient Lighting. Buy compact fluorescent light bulbs. They last eight times as long and use a fraction of the energy.
  • Use Home Automation ( Smart Technology as it saves time, money & energy and also protects home )
  • Air Dry Clothes/ Dishes and even hair ( instead of dishwashers/washing machines that use a lot of energy )
  • Plant Trees, as forests are the lungs of our land. Plant as much as you can, the advantages are endless. It filters the environment, keeps a climatic balance, feeds the hungry, provides shade, used for energy production, and natural habitat for animals etc. Trees alone has the power to save the generations!
  • Replace your tires with low-rolling resistance tires as switching to a typical set of tires can reduce a vehicles fuel economy as much as 4%.
  • Wrap gifts in fabric and tie with ribbon; both are reusable and prettier than paper and sticky-tape.
  • Turn down your central heating and put on a jumper.
  •  Take a brisk shower, not a leisurely bath, to save water. ( The magic on this Planet is contained in Water )
  • Use low-phosphate washing-up liquid and washing powder. Phosphates stimulate algal growth when discharged into the water supply, lowering oxygen levels and killing plants and fish.
  • Grow your own vegetable garden, organic fruits and vegetables as it will promote greenery in every home as well cut down transportation costs.
  • Ditch the air conditioner and use coolers instead as it saves up on energy and reduces pollution.
  • Use ozone friendly products.
  • Refuse plastic carrier bags, or at least reuse them. Cloth bags are better.
  • Drink tap or filtered water, not bottled.
  • Walk to nearby super markets or ride a bicycle, do not go on cars to places close to your home, save up the energy and carbon monoxide emissions in air.
  • Insulate your home. Cavity wall insulation can cut heat loss through the wall by up to 60%.
  • Avoid air travel; it produces three times more carbon dioxide per passenger than rail.
  • Build small green houses or probably gardens with plethora of small plants, even better gift plants to friends on occasions. It’s a healthy ritual!
  •  Ban blinds. Heavy curtains keep in more heat in winter.
  • Bring a mug to the office instead of using polystyrene cups. ( I do that! Do you? )
  • Avoid Non-Biodegradable Materials as they cannot be decomposed into small units and cause serious damage to environment.
  • Stop hunting wild Animals and be a little more vegetarian. Show some love to animals!

Now honestly think about it? How hard are these simple steps to take, we can start practicing them from this very moment to save thousands of lives and keep a balance in nature. Think Broader, Save the Planet, and Go Green. Nothing will change except you will do a favor to yourself and children to come and keep the Creator Happy.

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#LoveEarth #GoGreen #SavePlanet #SayNotoPollution #ProtectGenerations #PlantTrees #CutDownWaterWaste #BanPlasticConsumption #Reuse #Recycle #ConserveEnergy #KeepEarthClean

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