18 February, 2019

The visit of Saudi Prince MBS proves to be a hope to Pakistan Economic Crisis


The Crowned Saudi Prince Mohammad Bin Salman visit to Pakistan on 17th February 2019 proved to be pivotal in the revival of economy and stressed the need for enhancing bilateral economic ties and trade relations between brotherly Islamic countries besides the Gulf States. The Prince of Saudi signed several MOU’s in the mutual interest of the two countries that promised immediate $20 billion investment in Pakistan for multiple economic issues such as Nutrition & Health, Medical Care, Gwadar Oil Refinery, Minerals & Natural Resources Exploration in Baluchistan and Employment.

Saudi Prince visited Pakistan on the request of Prime Minister Imran Khan who personally drove the prince to Noor Khan Airbase. The Crowned Saudi Prince won our hearts during the conference while addressing Mr. Imran Khan’s request to treat the Muslim laborers in Saudi Arabia as part of their nation, to which he replied,

Consider me as Ambassador of Pakistan to Saudi Arabia

The prince on numerous occasions appreciated the strong leadership of Mr. Imran Khan and his efforts to defuse the economic and financial crisis in Pakistan. The visit laid the foundation for a new chapter in Pakistan-Saudi relationship, marked by the high-level institutional framework to guide the future direction of political, diplomatic, economic, investment, trade, people-to-people, defense, security, and cultural aspects.

The Prime Minister expressed gratitude to the Crown Prince for his immediate consent to release 2107 prisoners from Saudi jails and both personalities agreed that dialogue is the only way forward toward stability and peace. The prince ensured that the brotherly strong allies between Pak-Saudi will step up like never before and it will stand on the same wavelength always may it be defense, terrorism, economic peace or bilateral trade. The Crowned Prince was awed by the charisma of our Prime Minister and seemed jubilant in his company and his last words in final conference echoed his sentiments,

Pakistan has a great future today with the great leadership. We were looking for such leadership to partner with. Pakistan is a dear country to all Saudis. Pakistan is the first eastern country I chose to visit since my Crowning

It seems like things are brilliantly looking up for Pakistan under the sincere kinship of Pak-Saudi when the captain of this diplomatic ship is steered by Prime Minister Imran Khan. We can hope and pray that Pakistan emerges out of the economic troubled waters soon as reinforced by Saudi Prince that by 2030 Pakistan will become stronger and Powerful nation especially in terms of geopolitical aspect.

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#CrownPrinceinPakistan #Pak-SaudiRelations #BrotherAllies #PakistanEconomy #SaudiPrinceVisit2019

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