03 May, 2018

Use of Mobile Apps in Real Estate Market


Mobile Technology is making new waves in the real estate business and breaking norms of traditional property consultation and real estate management services provided by the companies. The majority of property searches are done online and in fact, nowadays sellers and buyers use more apps than browsers and a recent survey conducted deduced a fact that one-fifth of real estate searches are coming from mobile devices. Mobile technology in real estate world is massively taking over the business and moreover is predicted that property searches from mobile apps will enhance drastically and take overtake desktop searches by 70%. So the tech tool know-how is pivotally important for real estate agents these days in order to be straightforwardly accessible to customers. The mobile technology is not a trend it is a shift in the technology advancement implemented in the property market.

Why Mobile Apps?

The question as to why the mobile apps are obvious as the usage of smartphones has increased by 80% in Pakistan and in the US there are approximately 120 million smartphone users and more than 50% of the web searches occur through mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets are owned by a medium-rich class of the society hence it is just a perfect fit for real estate business. Mobile Apps creates desired interactivity to encourage users to explore the best results possible with minimal effort in a short time period. In modern technological breakthrough mobile apps, developers are able to implement such solution that facilitates real estate companies to control their content without compromising the user experience.

Mobile apps serve as a direct marketing channel for your customers to reach you and an app can be integrated with instant messaging, chatting, emailing etc. features to allow customers to directly approach the agent. Real Estate Mobile app development will keep you connected 24/7 with customers and this day-to-day connection will help yield more business opportunities. Mobile Apps help to develop real estate company recognition and brand name in what it is called a magical speed for instance if you have an A droid App for your property agency then you have become easily available for one of the largest mobile audience bases over the world. Mobile Apps can be that platform through which Real Estate Company can build its brand identity & credibility and the stronger you are successfully able to, the higher profitability of your business. Geo-location app is the latest technology by which customers can search nearby features and facilities to your site and let them reach directly to the location. This app adds a lot of value to the real estate business.

Latest Real Estate Mobile Apps

Let’s move a bit further from mobile app technology and talk about DropBox, EverNote, Video/Audio Streaming/ Home Snap, DocuSign and so much more. Mobile Apps increase efficiency and healthy competition among real estate companies and now realtors can make floor plans for clients, deal with customer queries and sell homes online by just a mobile app away! DropBox and EverNote are used to maintain access to consultant’s files and client data from anywhere and any device. HomeSnap is an app that allows users to take picture of a home for sale with their tablet/smartphone and the server tracks and updates information on any price changes. DocuSign is one of the fabulous programs that allows buyers and sellers to sign important documents online thus helping both parties to move a lot faster. GPS - base search technology can handle multiple queries about properties and search any home from wherever you are physically located.

Leads go straight to you

With an app, you can hold onto your leads and this helps establish one to one customer relationship instead they approaching you through a mess of red tape and with the help of apps analytics you can also follow calls and emails monthly or annually.

Control Your Content

With Interactive mobile App, the interface can let you manage the user experience as mobile applications will allow customers to have a virtual walk-in tour of the home of plot site, while they are comfortably sitting on the couch of their homes. The customers can absorb themselves in project enabling them to have detailed information about the property leading to trust development with Real Estate Company.

Mobile Technology is a thrilling marketing tool to promote one's business as they are quick, suitable and active ideal technology for real estate business. So don’t overlook its importance and if you don’t have your own company mobile app then make one now!

For more technology updates and information on mobile apps impacting the property market, stay tuned to Apex Group and keep an eye on our upcoming blogs!

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