06 September, 2018

We need a new type of Patriotism to lift the spine of Pakistan


“There is no Power on Earth that can undo Pakistan”- Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

When we see our Pakistan Flag flying high at an International forum, Pakistan Army fighting courageously defending our borders, and hear the brave stories of our martyr soldiers our soul inflates up with sheer pride and self-dignity. Pakistan is our identity and whatever we are today, we stand tall only because of our beloved homeland and the way our admirable warriors are sacrificing their valuable lives to protect our tomorrow. The first thought that comes across our minds when we say “Pakistan” is the Land of Pure, with people full of heart, compassion & courage and LOVE is the common binding factor between all cultures and sects living within.

I love Pakistan, but love for Pakistan is just not enough. Words alone cannot make a Nation, and its high time we change the concept of Patriotism and do something as a whole unit to uplift the people of our country as a little contribution to a better Pakistan. We need to unite, and think for everyone by blocking out the concept of rich & poor, be more empathetic and walk side by side instead of conspiring to bring down anyone. The responsibility to help develop our motherland falls upon every shoulder so every individual must do the following duties.

1. Contribute in improving the Human Development of Pakistan by taking the responsibility of education of any less privileged Pakistani child.

2. Financially support any one Pakistani family for their self-employment.

3. Voluntarily work on cleaning the roads and streets of Pakistan, and run the campaign of “Neat Pakistan” at one’s own residential areas.

4. Vote only for those politicians, who can work positively for the country and if any patriotic person thinks that he can also do well for nation, then come in politics and do the best.

5. Portray the positive image of Pakistan, where ever possible.

6. Develop love and respect in the hearts of the children or next generation so that they never think to leave the country

7. As a Pakistani, do something good and remarkable in Technology, Research, Management, Business, and Arts or in Sports field.

8. Always avoid three Cs to show the real love with country and these are Corruption, Corruption and Corruption.

We need to light the lights of Patriotism and support our Country all the time and the government when it deserves it. We owe our lives to our fearless soldiers and Pakistan Army who is tirelessly defending and fighting for us and a very special Thank you to the martyrs of Pakistan who will live forever in our hearts till we breathe our last.

Brick by brick is a house made, likewise drop by drop of blood & sweat makes the most powerful Nation in the world.




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