22 March, 2023

Why Pakistan Needs Micro-Apartments in 2023?


In recent years, the population of Pakistan has grown dramatically, and the demand for affordable housing has also increased a lot. Yet, restricted land supply and high building costs have made it difficult for real estate developers to construct affordable homes in major cities of Pakistan.

As a result, Micro-apartments are being considered the viable solution to existing Pakistan's housing shortage. In this blog post, we have looked at why Pakistan needs micro-apartments in 2023.

What are Micro-Apartments?

Micro-apartments, also called micro-flats or micro-units, are small apartments covering an area of 100 to 400 square feet in size.

They are meant to increase space and provide a comfortable living environment in a compact place. Micro-apartments normally have a kitchenette, a bathroom, and a living and sleeping area that is merged.

Importance of Micro-Apartments in Pakistan in 2023

Because of the increasing population, rising housing costs, urbanization, limited land availability, and changing lifestyles, micro-apartments have become critical for Pakistan's housing issue in 2023. Micro-apartments are an appealing alternative due to their affordability, low maintenance cost, flexibility, and energy efficiency.

They have the potential to meet the growing demand for housing in densely populated urban areas by providing accessible and suitable dwelling options for salaried persons.

As a result, micro-apartments have emerged as an important answer to Pakistan's housing crisis, and their significance cannot be understated in 2023.

Top 5 Reasons Why Pakistan Needs Micro-Apartments in 2023?

Increasing Population

Pakistan's population has been significantly growing in recent years, and this trend is expected to rise in the future. The country's population is expected to exceed 270 million by 2050, putting enormous strain on the country's existing housing infrastructure.

Micro-apartments can contribute to the solution by providing inexpensive housing options for the rising population.

Rising Housing Costs

The housing cost in Pakistan's major cities like Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi has risen considerably throughout the years. Many people are trying to find affordable housing, and the situation is especially difficult for low-income families.

So, micro-apartments can actually help bridge the supply-demand gap by providing cheap housing options for persons on a tight budget.


Pakistan is rapidly urbanizing, and people are migrating from rural to urban areas in quest of better job opportunities and a good standard of living.

On the other hand, the current housing infrastructure in cities such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad is inadequate to support the expanding population. Therefore, micro-apartments can tackle this problem by providing compact, affordable living options for city dwellers.

Limited Land Availability

Land availability is a major issue for Pakistani real estate developers, especially in major cities with extremely high property prices.

Because micro-apartments require less land than standard apartments, they are an appealing alternative for developers wishing to provide inexpensive housing in densely crowded locations.

Changing Lifestyles

The lifestyles of the masses living in Pakistan are changing, especially among the younger age. Many young people choose smaller, more convenient living quarters to larger, more traditional residences because they provide more convenience and flexibility.

Micro-apartments are an excellent option for young professionals looking for low-maintenance accommodation that fits their lifestyle.

Benefits of Micro-Apartments

Micro-apartments offer various advantages that make them equally appealing to real estate developers, investors, and tenants. Following are some of the benefits:


There is no doubt that micro-apartments are less expensive than standard apartments. This factor makes micro-apartments an excellent choice for people with tight budgets.


Micro-apartment design is meant to increase space and provide flexibility in terms of usage and layout. Depending on the tenant's demands, micro-apartments are a perfect solution for a living space, office, or combination.

Low Maintenance

Micro-apartments demand less maintenance, which makes them an appealing option for the masses who are always on the move. Moreover, these apartments are very easier to clean and maintain due to their small size.

Energy Efficiency

Micro-apartments are energy efficient. They possess energy-efficient appliances, lights, and HVAC systems, which allow tenants to save money on their utility expenses.

For more information, feel free to contact Apex Group.

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